Staffordshire Terrier also known as Black and Tan Terrier crossed with the British Bulldog and was developed as a fighting-dog, it carried the same name Staffordshire as the breed was bred in the black country of Staffordshire and northern parts of Birmingham. Unlike other breeds Staffordshire Bull Terrier (nickname Staffy) is shown in a broad leather collar fitted with brass studs.
I am what I am of a bye-gone-age the most ferocious breed of fast-fighting-dogs ever seen.
Fighting-dogs always meant more to Tom Mitchell than people.
And quite suddenly the screeching squeaking squealing is loud; their shrill cries are now in a state of high excitement. The rats’ acute sense of smell has found something special, their favorite food they crave for, delicious human flesh.
ReplyDeleteThe unfortunate, a homeless beggar who’d died in his sleep was blanketed three-deep in rats, uncountable numbers were skirmishing for position to eat, a beggar’s banquet of delicious food.
ReplyDeletePoisonous, needle pointed teeth are voraciously gorging delicious flesh, delicious organs, delicious eyes, delicious nose, delicious ears, delicious tongue, drinking and licking his delicious blood to the last delicious tiny wee-drop.
ReplyDeleteNothing would be wasted; even his frame of bones and skull. That’s filled with juicy marrow is eaten to the last delicious crumb. The rat’s voracious appetite massed together in hundreds left no trace that the delicious beggar had ever existed in a world of delicious violence.
ReplyDeleteHigh above, the sky’s impish inky clouds broods over the city have resembled what looks like, an evil hideous monster. Its ugly mouth wide open black as coal appears to swallow up, all that is good and saintly below.
ReplyDeleteThis is Glasgow before she had given birth to First Industrial Revolution, they say, the Empire’s second city, which has been prosperous since the Middle Ages.
ReplyDeleteIn a wee room of a terrace house muscular canine stretched yawned. It looked at a bed between the walls barks to awaken its master.
ReplyDeleteLife was a methodical procedure regarding fields of progress in a city populated with thousands of closely packed solid stone buildings with walls seldom less than two feet thick, every stone hand cut to fit onto the next. There are tenements, terrace houses, one storey houses, mansions, stately homes, a behemoth Art Gallery, collection of churches, hospitals public parks, university founded in 1451 and, a great Gothic cathedral dating back to the 12th century, along with many other imposing buildings of marvel. Dominating the skyline, spires, steeples, towers, and tall chimneystacks pouring out thick smoke are. Already in production smelting ore for many quantities of bronze and iron products. That sends clouds of fumes and gases billowing up inside chimneystacks escaping to the air creating a field of fog. Only to be carried in wind over ghostly warehouses and factories that is silent. Soon workers would bring them to life.